Great Tit chicks abandoned in nest box

Hi I'm a new poster and would appreciate any advice people could give me. We have a nest box on the back of our house that has had Great Tits nesting inside. The parents have been coming back and forth for a while with food but I noticed on Thursday night I had not seen the male and the female now seemed to be doing it on her own, this continued all day Friday and into today, just the female back and forth feeding. Then I noticed today that the female has stopped coming too. I last saw her at around midday and she has not been back since, the chicks noise is now a constant chirping as they are starving, is there anything I can do for them? The thought of them starving to death is heartbreaking 

Thanks in advance 

  • Just come across this thread and need advice please?

    I have blue tits nesting in a bird box in the garden. The parents were constantly in and out relentlessly taking food.

    This morning I caught a magpie rip half of the roof off the box leaving them vulnerable. I have covered for now with a temporary cover but since this happened parents have completely disappeared.

    The clicks are chirping like crazy and clearly starving. Not sure what to do?!?