Red Kites. At least 11 Red Kites ?playing? together above South Downs (Hampshire end) for at least 2 hrs yesterday. Only ever managed 4 in frame at a time as only phone camera

  • Today we watched as at least 11 Red Kites which flew various patterns in the sky for at least 2 hours, no hunting behaviour as in a kill to seen or heard during that time, just groups gliding and interacting including many on purpose close misses in half dive form then pulling up at once near miss completed. This repeated numerous times with the same pairs of birds. The larger adults and adolescents all present. Groups of 2-6 playing a follow the leader type game with fast changes in direction then glide. With at one point up to 6 kites resting in a nearby tree together watching the others play?
  • As far as I could work out 3 or 4 family units. Our regular red kite family, is a family of three roosting north-east of us we are in their hunting range. Second family of red kites, is south-west of us a family of four, seen them twice so far, We must be a little way outside the edge of their range. The last group/s, one or two families at least 5 birds came from the south, gliding over the edge of the valley together. Their interaction was not aggressive in any way at all, it was more like family reunion and play. Never really thought it possible Raptors did large group social interaction? I just wish I could share in Film & Photos (I neither have the Talent or equipment necessary, Sorry) I will keep trying with what I have. If anyone has knowledge of Red Kite group behaviour? Please, I would be thankful, as have been fruitlessly searching?
  • Hi RK
    A great sight for you. i was lucky to see a large gathering of Red-Kites while a farmer was mowing his fields, I was lucky to have my camera with me and took a lot of photos, it was one of those special moments that you never think you would ever see.