Fledgling learns to fly. Beautiful to see


I have a nest just outside my bay window with fledgling blackbirds.

i have been monitoring them and checking they are ok.

the mother and father blackbird are very friendly and often visit me and 

stand about 6 ft away just watching the nest and making eye contact with me. They often come close and vocalise at me signalling that they need something.

at 6:00am this morning opened back door and mother and father blackbird were right at the step hopping up and down and vocalising loudly and  seemed to want my attention.

i looked to the left and the fledgling was stood on the patio with mother and father facing it. There was a brief silence and then the fledgling fluttered wings and took flight. 

mother and father immediately followed.

a short while later mother and father returned and sat on bird table facing me seemingly proud of the achievement.

most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed.

I have been out and installed a bird box for added protection for my feathered friends. 

kind Regards Jonathan