Blue Tit fledgling found in the super structure of my house

Hi, i have some blue tits nesting in the walls of my house, specifically a run way that shares the waste and water pipes between the three floors of the apartments i live in.

the space is tiny less the 12 inches minus the massive waste pipe and water pipe. the other day my cat became obsessed the with access panel deciding to have a look a blue tit fledging had jumped the nest so to speak and was stuck down there, there is no light, no food and no room other then the jumble of vertical pipes. so i rescued the little one and took it outside so its parents can see it, was this the right thing to do? what if the other fledglings decide to jump into the super structure of my flat, do i leave them. there is scarce room in there for it to learn how to fly.

EDIT: it has full colours, just a little smaller then its parents, there are several other blue tits the same size flying around outside. i put it in a tree where it is currently sitting, i have no idea how long it was in the super structure but it hasn't moved from the tree and its parents keep flying to it and away from it.