Blackbirds pecking through rhododendron deadheads

My mum and I are curious, as for the last few weeks, each evening, the blackbirds in her garden have been sifting through the dead rhododendron heads on the grass. They pick them up and toss them out of the way, and we can't work out why. They never fly off with them, and they don't seem particularly interested in the bush itself, other than as something to perch on. Do rhododendron petals attract worms when they're on the ground, or something strange like that? It's the only thing I can think of as to why all these blackbirds are so interested in the deadhead! If anyone has any ideas, please do let me know, as we're desperate to know what they're up to! 

  • Hi littlegreycells, my guess is that the Blackbirds are looking for insects amongst the dead rhododendron heads; they often sift through leaf litter on the ground and bark chippings, tossing them around to find bugs and insects to eat.