Wild Bird Cull

Hi everyone,

I am a member of RSPB and also subscribe to change.org, from whom I received a disturbing email this morning, from a gentleman named Jason Enfield.

Jason has a petition regarding the licenced culling of wild bird species in this country.

Apparently, over 70 species of wild birds are being targeted by a cull that is unfortunately legal, with licences being issued by the Government for the culling of species such as, robins, ravens, swifts, barn owls and oyster catchers, to name a few.

I was horrified and baffled by this.  I do not know very much about it, but it seems to fly in the face of all human decency and all the RSPB's conservation efforts to allow this.

I would like to bring it to the attention of other members.

change.org is a host website, where members of the public can start a petition about anything they would like, and the site supports the distribution of emails to all its members.

You can sign the petition with one click, you don't have to donate to anything.

I signed of course, I wish Jason luck with his petition and would be grateful if anyone else who is disgusted by this practice will also do the same.


Daniella Stewart

  • Thankyou Alan, for the reply.
    I am a little disconcerted to hear that RSGB also culls birds, that is not what I signed up for! I assume Corvids are members of the crow family?
    I can understand that if they are pushing out other species then some remedial action may be desired, but I think that culling them is excessive.
    I don't understand how so many species got onto this list, though, I really don't see what harm an oystercatcher could possibly do to anyone. I used to have them nesting on top of the bridge of my trawler years ago, managed to save a fledgling that had been injured when it fell off onto the deck, we reunited him with his family by lowering a bucket with him in down to the water, he swam away with them, happy family!
    I will go to the link you provide and have a read, thankyou very much.