Catlady's Garden - Update 16/01/24

This was the scene on getting up this morning! Taken through window.

Percy and one of his lady friends decided to make their way to the back for food! Also taken through window.

Later on in the morning. Nice to look at but not at the end of April! Taken from front door.

Thats all for now.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:

    That's correct, Mike. Snow gates were closed at the famous Berriedale Braes. There are still these marker poles in areas, where the road is enclosed with high sidings and can fill in pretty quickly in heavy snow. We were speaking about this just yesterday, when sadly in 1978, 3 people died in their cars, and many cars were stuck, when a snow storm quickly escalated and filled the road many feet high. It was said that rescuers were able to walk along the tops of the cars with poles and probe them through the snow to see where the cars were. One man who survived was a hosiery salesman, who was able to wrap himself in tights to keep warm and that is what saved him. The cars were under 15 feet of snow, it was 3 days before they found him, he was able to use melted snow for water and made a hole in the snow to help him breath. I have just been reading the reports. Quite remarkable.

    Heavy sleety rain now, the snow will soon clear and then we will he flooded! High winds forcast for later on in the weekend! 

    I've come across instances like the one in 1978, nearer to home. I think it was 1981, the M6 J3-J2, an exposed stretch, was snow bound, and the number of drivers, and occupants, in summer clothing, and it was wintertime!

    The guy who made good of melted snow reminds me of that horrific plane crash in the Andes back in 1972. The survivors went beyond extraordinary events to survive.

  • Thinking of you CL after reading of your nightmare journey and hoping you are still safely at home!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I am Wendy, thanks. Snow is now shifting at last. Going off to pick up my wee car from the farm (can't even think what it would have been like, if that young lad with his tractor couldn't get me off the main road, white car in drifting snow) and head to town for the shopping. Think I will take the snow shovel, just in case the car is snowed in still. The car is in the car park at what was the SSPCA rescue and rehome centre, sadly it closed a few months ago, so the building is not used, farm is next door, so it may still be backed up with snow. Will complete my tale when I get home.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks for update CL, take great care!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Well, all 3 of us home safe and sound, me, hubby and my poor wee abandoned car. Roads perfect and fields half cleared from snow, it was 7c today, you could the parts on the way in where folk had helped to clear and dump snow into the sides of the road, so hard to believe that only 2 days ago it was such shocking weather. All good now. Just waiting for the next named storm, with gusting winds into the 70's! Roll on springtime!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • We have that storm Isha for next three days way down here too CL, must be countrywide ... pleased to hear you are all back to normal!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Lynn L said:

    Well, all 3 of us home safe and sound, me, hubby and my poor wee abandoned car. Roads perfect and fields half cleared from snow, it was 7c today, you could the parts on the way in where folk had helped to clear and dump snow into the sides of the road, so hard to believe that only 2 days ago it was such shocking weather. All good now. Just waiting for the next named storm, with gusting winds into the 70's! Roll on springtime!!

    That's good news.

  • WendyBartter said:
    We have that storm Isha for next three days way down here too CL, must be countrywide ... pleased to hear you are all back to normal!

    It is set to cover most of the UK tonight looking at the synoptic chart for 0000 22 Jan, showing the tighter SWLY flow isobars over the North Sea.

  • We are on an amber warning along with much of the country, strongest winds between 18.00 today and 06.00 tomorrow! Stay safe everyone!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr