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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Bob I have to say a word in your support here. I agree that you were very constructive up to the point where you, justifiably, began to lose patience with the lack of action and - just as important - the lack of communication. Many of us had lost patience long before you did and I think Mrs T is out of order in singling you out.

    Methinks she doth protest too much.



  • Bob, I think the style sheet issues are the fault of the rspb web guys trying to customise the layout and not with the package they bought/upgraded.

    I agree it should have been tested properly before being rolled out.

    Myself, I would have another server to test it on before putting it live.

    It doesn't even have to be a server, any old pc would do to test it with a few staff.

    Having a live site with layout problems is simply ridiculous.


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  • Serendipitously, two bits of info entered my email Inbox today:

    This is from the owners of the site which hosts my "medical issue" community.  Would you believe it?!


    And this, in regard to Chrome's new rendering engine (Ibcus will know what that means, I don't ;-) ).

    Google says it has made Blink much cleaner than Webkit, having removed nine million lines of code. This should result in an even faster and more efficient browser.

    That brings home to me the size of such tasks, but I'm not saying that it excuses anything - these people get paid a lorra dosh ;-)

  • Mrs. T -- Please do not be too hard on Bob--I expect he has expressed the frustrations of many more forum-ites than just himself (and me!)  In addition, he can be counted on to slip in the occasional droll remark that has me laughing out loud.  The more jollility at stressful times like these, the better (IMHO!)!

    Mrs. T (and anyone else) -- What was the award which used to be given--something like 'A Good Egg' was it?  May I nominate ibcus for the latest award, please, since it seems his remarks about code have actually resulted in visible improvements to the 'update'!!  We want to believe the techies are working flat out, but it really helps to see some of the previous features which we asked to have replaced being replaced--thanks also to the techies for actioning them!

    Bob -- Please do not leave the forum--we need you and your wonderful photos (and your sense of humour!)!  Hope you are having a lovely time in Cornwall!

    ibcus -- You are a hero and a good egg--thank you!!!  Any other little adjustments you can suggest to the techies, please go ahead!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Another whinge :-)

    In rich formatting the Insert/Edit Media boxes cannot be moved up or around the screen - the darkish grey/blue band across the top, which in most UI's would allow you to drag the whole box anywhere you like, turns the mouse-pointer into a plus-sign with arrows on its points (which, how depressing, won't show up in screenshots).  Clicking on the band with this plus-sign merely turns the whole box dark.

    It's useful to be able to move boxes, especially if one is working on a small screen.  You can see that the Insert and Cancel buttons at the bottom of the box are mostly hidden by the task bar.

    I can make the box smaller but its contents remain the same size, so I have to scroll up inside the box to see the Insert/Cancel buttons.

  • @Gardenbirder: The last thing I would want, and I mean this most sincerely, is for anyone to stop posting on this forum and I do hope Bob will continue to do so. The purpose of this thread is for folk to offer up any problems they incur so we can try our best to address them. You SHOULD believe that the techies are working flat out, as you put it. We (the mods) are in continual contact with them and they endeavour to keep us posted on all and every update.

    @scylla: Will forward this on and see if this is something that can be fixed.

  • Mrs T they should scrap this and start again.

    The frustrations this has cause is an under statemeant

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • In my opinion, for what's it worth (she says sticking her head above the parapet - hoping not to get shot down in flames), scraping this site and starting again will only cause further disruption. I do wholly understand that things aren't quite there yet, but we are working towards building a better site, and as my colleagues and I have implied, Rome wasn't built in a day. With your feedback and constructive comments, I genuinely believe we can all get through this period of change and end up with a product we will all enjoy.

  • I am still having two problems with Safari using a Macbook.

    1. Clicking on a link and getting an error  message. There doesn't seem to be an obvious sweet spot;   the link is there and I am experimenting but it's getting frustrating.
    2. Although I have hovered on the right-hand side of my name banner on the post, no icon for editing appears.

    Apologies to those whose posts I inadvertently reported as spam whilst trying to find the edit button!

  • It actually seems to be working OK for me - sure there are some minor differences from before, but the biggie problems seem to have been resolved, it's responding well and many of the niggly look & feel things are better (Welcome back Limpy, no longer Limov :-)).

    Sure, I'd like an unlimited picture upload size cos I'm too lazy to re-size images, but I do understand why the limit is there and I'll just link to Flickr for anything too big.

    There's been a lot of bouncing around of problems and issues and we're now getting to the point where a line should probably be drawn under the rights & wrongs of how the upgrade happened and look to the list of outstanding items/suggestions for improvement with fresh eyes and clear heads :-)


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