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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Hence, please may we stick with castigating things on this site as increasingly 'Facebooky' and leave the other 300-million-plus Americans out of the discussion and free of the blame?  (sorry don't know how to do quotes  :(

    Please don't get me wrong Ann, I am assuredly not anti-American (I will confess to having concerns at the inexorable Americanisation of our country, but that's for another time and place - and in any event that isn't the fault of Americans!)

    No, what got me going in addition to the Facebook thing is the fact that we're using American software and the only language choice we have is American English. Neither of those things do I blame Americans for either!



  • Can anyone tell me if there is a problem loading photos from IE10, please.  When I click on the "insert image" button nothing happens on either my Windows 7 or Windows 8 machines.

    (I remain in the home for the bewildered :-D)


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Thanks, Alan.  I'll leave it for a while - it'll all work out in the end, (I hope!)


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Lolly, Not sure if this is useful or not, being not at all techie, but while neither of the links in your post produced your pics, when I clicked on the first link in your post, a page came up telling me 'this is not the page you are looking for', but under that header was another link labeled: xx lolly xx's photostream, I clicked on that and your flickr photos began magically to appear, so I was able to see them and they are gorgeous!  Thanks!

    Ian (See Gull), Sorry about my rant, but I am a bit oversensitised on the subject--I have seen a few too many instances of innocent Americans here in Britain having to fend off verbal attacks from a few Brits who seem to want to blame them personally for everything American which appears over here (or anywhere outside of America!), including the differences in spelling between the 2 countries.  Having said that, I agree with you that it seems daft for the RSPB to use American English on this site--the RSPB is a British charity after all (although many of the birds ARE world travellers!), and most members are probably British, and I have faith that American members of the RSPB will understand that, and furthermore, they can cope with the occasional Brit spelling!  And I agree, I see no need for including the Facebooky features of likes and listing of top authors, etc.!  But as Bob's_retired_now says, will they pay any attention to the wishes of the forum-ites or will we just have to accept features which many of us consider an unnecessary waste of space?  How many of the additional features are pushed on the RSPB by techies who have included them in the software 'just because they could' and who insist the RSPB 'must have them to be up to date'?!?  (Ranting again--sorry!  Must have a lie down!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Huh, don't know if we should talk to Lolly, sitting on a Barbados beach taking hummingbird pics! :-)

    Mind you, I'm sitting in the garden having just finished a rather nice steak from the BBQ, so I'm not really complaining :-)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  •  Just come home from a week in sunny Devon and I am trying to get my head around the updated version.  It took me 10 minutes or so to log in.  If this photo appear it was taken last year at Paignton Zoo.


  • Fixed = No longer have to drag black arrow to enable Edit etc.  Thank you :-)

  • Since this weekend I'm having trouble with paragraphs, the Enter key doesn't do anything until it's been hit several times.  I can live with it but wonder if anyone else has noticed it.

  • Are we expecting to be notified D?  Or do we just presume something has been done over the weekend?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Good afternoon. Sorry for the lack of an update from moderators, we're juggling numerous balls here and it is still a very busy period for us. I hope this will help set the story straight.

    Just picking up from where Ben left off on friday, we'll still notify you when fixes are made or when other work is planned that will impact on the forum. However, unfortunately the performance issues are not something that can be fixed instantly. Work did take place over the weekend and now comes the testing etc to get it all working as best as possible. We know this has been frustrating, thank you for sticking with us, we are trying to get this sorted however we want to get it right rather than rush through a 'bodge job'.

    If you can bear with us for a bit longer then hopefully the site will be in better shape in the near future. If you spot any problems, that have not already been found add them to this thread. Thanks again.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.