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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • I'm locked out of the LG forums now with Avant browser, which worked for a while.  Runtime errors and/or "This website requires you to log iin".

    Which browser shall I try next?  Eeny meeny miney mo ;-)

  • "Server Error in '/community' Application.


    Runtime Error

     Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.

  • The non-appearance of posts or the disappearance of posts is very confusing and frustrating when trying to comment on action on the nest (e.g. the ringing at LG).  

    I wonder if it is a problem with the way the pages are updated and which page the post goes on to when many posts are being made at the same time and a new page has to be created?

    I noticed this morning, on the first page of a new thread, that no page numbers were displayed.  This is not wrong as this is the only page but I wondered if it used to put " <  1  "  at the bottom so clarifying that you were on page 1.  It's very hard remembering exactly what the old screens used to look like and do but if there are bugs, I find they usually occur where things have been changed!

  • I think I can see one reason why the site is slow 

    On the Community Home Page, underneath the recently active threads and the "paging controls", individual posts are displayed, from all blogs & forums, in descending order of posting - or at least the first part of them, if they are long. 

    They take a LONG time to download - I have just tried waiting to see the complete Community Home Page downloaded but gave up after 30 minutes, at which point  the bottom posts were "1 day ago" and the page was still "loading..." 

    This situation is similar on Group home pages too. After looking at Pulborough Brooks - a moderately active Group - it appears that the last section of a Group home page - if you wait long enough - will eventually display all the activity which has ever taken place in the Group, including blogs, forum posts, photos and people joining.

    It's been a while since I worked in website testing, but this looks like the sort of thing which causes performance problems, if a large proportion of the pages being viewed are still downloading. 

    I really do not see the point of this - who on earth is going to scroll through all these posts to pick out interesting ones, when many of them make little sense out of context. My suggestion - suppress this display of posts and instead, double the number of recently active threads. I think we did something similar when the previous version of the site was first launched.  

  • How do I 'favourite' a thread?  I want to do this for yesterday's Daily Update Loch Garten thread (osprey ringing).

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018




    I found Avant when I Googled "best lightweight browser", and it got a fairly good review.  I'm using it for RSPB only.  I'm on a laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.  I haven't been able to use Firefox for the LG forums for well over a year, maybe it's to do with an add-on but I'm not willing to go thru testing, since I found that Chrome worked fine and I use that for GMail and YouTube anyway.

    I agree about all the history-loading being likely to slow down the site.

  • Right, now you Techies are back we are hoping for some action.

    Apart from the slowness the main problem I'm having is uploading photos from my computer. Ironically, I can do it fairly easily from image hosting sites.

    Here's what happens. I can sit and wait for ages while the little green bar makes its sluggish progress across the dialogue box.

    Just when I think it's going to cross the finishing line this happens

    Sometimes the little green bar goes back to the start line and tries again but never manages to cross the tape. Of course it takes ages for the Browse button to appear on the dialogue box but I'm a patient man. Incidentally, the above are screenshots which I managed to post so in this case size clearly does matter.

    It would be nice to get a bit of feedback on what is happening at resolving these issues.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Problem requiring technical help please......

    My system is Windows XP, SP3

    Preferred browser for RSPB use is FireFox v.22.0, set up to use on startup many tabs and tab groups mostly based on RSPB Loch Garten threads.

    After this upgrade my FireFox browser is useless on startup as there is an unresponsive script error which locks up the browser. Stopping the script has no effect.

    I attach a screenshot showing the error message.

    I hope you will be able to advise on this problem. I am using Chrome to post this.

    Many thanks, tBoL

    EDIT..... My post took a good few seconds before it posted.

    I had posted on an unrefreshed page where when I looked later, Scvlla and TeeJav had posted. There had been a page change.

    Now when I go from previous page to new page, I find that the page goes to my post and NOT the top of the new page where SCYLLA and TeeJay had posted :-?

    I hope you can understand what I mean and offer some help on this. Thanks again. tBoL

  • Thanks Bob. That would indeed be a MASSIVE pain. I'll wait a while and see what happens.

  • I've tried uploading photos from several locations but it's always the same.  

    I've just copied a fairly modestly sized file (404kb) on to my desktop and tried to upload it. Same result, it gets so far and then I get the error message. Maybe it's my computer but I don't have any trouble with other sites.

    I'll try Chrome instead of Firefox.



    My Flickr Photostream