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This site has a brand new look, as you will have no doubt noticed by now. Change can be a little daunting at first, but rest assured we are here to help with the transition from old to new. Please use this thread to ask any questions/voice any concerns and will do out utmost to get back to you.

N.B: Please accept our most sincere apologies for the current speed of the site, we are aware of the issue and are looking to resolve this as a priority.


  • Lol, Seymour, you'll soon have me weeping for the butts of our displeasure ;-)

    I just sent a personal message with a video included in the usual manner, same as in posts - but in my copy of the message there's just a blank space.  Maybe that's as it should be?  But it don't seem right :-/  So I'm flagging it here :-)

  • LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.  Since my post this morning I have had an e-mail setting out what is to happen followed a few minutes ago by another update.

    In order to let those reponsible get to grips with putting things on the site it has been agreed that I pass on a summary of proposed actions.

    (1) A 'one way forum' will be set up to allow all issues to be reported.

    (2) A list will be published of all the issues known which will be grouped together and listed in priority.

    (3) A list of Frequently asked Questions together with answers/tips will be provided.

    (4 There will be twice weekly updates. Probably Tuesday, in order to allow for any problems over the weekend to be picked up and looked at,and another on Thursday or Friday.

    A full statement will appear on the Forum but it will take a day perhaps to appear together with the rest of the Threads.

    I should stress that I have received every courtesy, our views have been acknowleged, are being acted upon, and this issue has been referred to the highest level in the RSPB.

    We now need to give them time to publish on the Forum.

    Thank you.


  • Thank you Mike and well done on taking this initiative. As Bob has frequently said, it's the lack of any feedback that's almost as frustrating as the problem itself.

    Twice weekly updates imply to me that this problem is going to continue for some time.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:

    Thank you Mike and well done on taking this initiative. As Bob has frequently said, it's the lack of any feedback that's almost as frustrating as the problem itself.

    Twice weekly updates imply to me that this problem is going to continue for some time.

    I certainly stressed the first point early today. As for the second I think it is more to ensure there is no time lag in responding and also in ensuring any new queries are acted upon.

  • There has been some progress with using Safari. I can now hover on the right and get an edit option for my post.

    Still getting lots of error - Safari has failed to open this page messages though.

  • Unknown said:

    Still no one in authority or a position is prepared to say anything . This is absolutely shocking. What has been agreed is no more than what was suggested ages ago and still no one will put a name to a response. Much as I value your input, assurances and forwarding of information Mike, I see that it still volunteers and mods who are carrying the can. Why am I not surprised in the least that they have no respect for their paying customers.

    Bob. I don't wish to prolong this BUT.The answers I have got and the discussions I have had,as I said earlier today, are with the man with whom 'the buck stops' apart from Director level, and they have all been made aware of our feelings. My recent post was made simply to keep you all informed and to allow them time to set up the stated threads. If they are typing this sort of thing they are not getting on with the job. I think we must just wait for a 'statement' from them. hopefully tomorrow,and let's see if their proposals help once they are up and running. I don't care who sends out the 'statement' I know it will have come from the appropriate level and your point about the Mods being ,unfairly, in the front line was certainly made,by me, early today.

  • You've done as much as you can, MIKE, and appear to have got us the best result we can expect at this stage.  It sounds good to me, and I thank you for it.

    A word on the browser issues - over the years I have become accustomed to having to use different browsers for different sites, and I think we should be flexible.

  • MrsT, just a suggestion, it might be a good idea to post a link to your COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS UPDATE as a Sticky in some of the main Groups. In my experience very few of the LG Group or the Newport Wetlands group (for example) ever visit the Home Page so may be unaware of it. Users could do it but unless it's a Sticky it will rapidly disappear.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • A new point - at least, I haven't seen it mentioned before.

    The "Contact Us" and "Terms and Conditions" links at the foot of the page don't work.

    Contact Us leads to a message " Access to the webpage was denied . You are not authorized to access the webpage at You may need to sign in. Error code: 403" - even though I am signed in. 

    Terms & Conditions leads to a "Page not found" message. 

    Thanks for all your efforts Mike.