Very strange forum problem!!!

Lately I've been experiencing a lot problems accessing the forum - it takes an absolute age for pages to load, if they even do at all, and photos don't upload properly etc. However, just now after succesfully uploading a photo, I clicked the link to go to "My Gallery". It took about ten minutes for the page to load (whilst it was doing so I was browsing other web pages), and when I came back to check it's progress, there was a section saying nothing has been uploaded here - why not be the first to add something, a few other things under that which I skimmed over and forgot due to the nature of the next bit, and then below all of that it said "Gallery 10mg Viagra no files" or something like that..........what on earth is going on here??? I clicked to go to My Gallery again after that to see if it did this again but it actually took me to My Gallery this time, with no problems.

I'm really quite concerned.