X Factor for Birds

May I make a suggestion for a new forum? I hope it doesn't "sound" too silly.

But for me the joy of birds can also be experienced through listening to their varied and beautiful songs. For some people without state of the art cameras, or good eyesight, or quick responses, then listening to birds can be a pastime in itself. Personally I listen to birds whilst I am gardening or walking in the countryside and therefore they are still being "seen" although I am just listening.

Maybe we could encourage more people to record their garden birds songs - no real skill involved, just patience- and then upload them to the forum. Only the exceptional ones  of course (if you can be picky that is), and vote on the X Factor. Or  just listen. Those of us with laptops would then be able to travel with our garden sounds- and pictures.

Just a thought.

For awhile let's hold still and hear

The songs of birds so pure and clear

With perfect pitch and rejoicing sounds

They fill the heart with joy abound.

 Cheers Flowerpot

Living the dream.

  • Hi Flowerpot

    It's a nice idea but there's just one snag.How do we post sound clips on the forum? So far as I know thre's no way of playinging (say mp3 or wma) files on this forum - unless someone knows differently.

    I've partly got round this by posting videos on YouTube which of course have sound as well as video. I don't whether you have seen a couple of my videos of "bushes" the main purpose of which was to be able to hear the bird song - but this is far from ideal.



    I too enjoy listening to birdsong but I'm not sure how this could be achieved. It would be interesting to hear if anyone's got any ideas.

    Regards TJ



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi TJ

    Well maybe the RSPB web experts will add that facility to the web site?? You can listen to bird song on their RSPB site when identifying species. But I guess there would have to be a large demand before they would consider it.

    Personally I feel if you have a gallery facility then it would make sense to have sounds with that too.  Otherwise it is a bit like watching tv with no sound. You only appreciate half the story. Where birds are sometimes so small or hidden in trees etc vision is secondary to hearing. You could say that we often hear them before we see them and in that way are able to seek them out.

    Hey ho - we will wait to see if anything develops. In the meantime I will enjoy listening to the afternoon soporific  sound of Mr Robin.

    Regards Flowerpot.

    Living the dream.

  • Great idea as Im just learning  the  bird songs now lol.

    but as for posting them I need a 3 year old to show me how to use a computer as it is lol

    Would be good though.



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!